Your new source for news and education in the printing business!


 Trends in the printing industry are constantly changing, and it’s hard to stay on top of everything. That’s why we created Printing Industry News & Education (PINE), your new source for news and education in the printing business. Our goal is to provide a resource that you can visit every day or week without missing any trends or information related to the latest innovations in this dynamic field. 

PINE covers all major print topics from digital inkjet printing to offset reproduction, so you’ll find what interests you no matter what stage your career is at! We also have sections for product design tips and advice as well as articles about general marketing principles, so if you’re looking for some inspiration outside of printing then look no further than PINE!
So whether your looking for some tips on how to design a flyer or need some help deciding between offset vs digital printing – we’ve got it all right here! 
Trade Printer